My Classroom

After weeks of working in my classroom I can say it is finally finished and ready to go.  With a small classroom there is only so much I can do.

This is what you see as you enter from the front door.  I am excited to try out my new writing center.  You can get the pictures here.

I absolutely love my woodland pillows which I got at Wallgreens.  My kinders already love sitting in our cozy little library.  

Here is a view as you walk into my classroom.  I used a Circut to cut out the woodland animals above the tables.

To add a more woodland look to my classroom I made tree branches out of butcher paper.  I got the template from School Girl style which you can find here. I use alternative seating in my classroom.  Three of my tables are low to the ground and I use the balls as well.  Instead of a carpet I use Sitspots.  These are amazing!  


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