Our Class Pet

We had a surprise visit earlier this week.  A mysterious box showed up in our classroom after recess.  I was surprised as well since I was in a "meeting" with another teacher during recess. *wink wink*

Check out that excitement!  They could not wait to see what was in the box!  

We were so surprised to see it was a fox.  The fox works perfectly for our woodland theme classroom.  Hmmmm....I wonder why?

Once we opened the box we got to pass her around.  One of them told me they saw her smile.  How sweet is that.  

After we passed her around we had to name her.  There were many suggestions such as Elsa, Cinderella and even my name.  I had to draw the line there because that would be too confusing. In the end we ended up naming her Foxy.  We love being able to read to her and give her hugs when we get upset.  She is also a great listener.  Especially for those tattle tellers!


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